Monday, September 24, 2012

Starting Again

God is the God of second chances. And third, and forth! Praise Him!

I just got off the phone with a dear sister in Christ who called me looking for a certain type of nutritional supplement. Where did the conversation end up? On the WORD of God, of course!

People who know me can tell you that it doesn't take long for the topic to turn to Him. Am I bragging on me? No way! I'm bragging on Him and His ability to permeate every cell and fiber of your being. If you diligently seek Him, He is there ALWAYS!

So, after many months of not posting on my blogs, I'm so thankful that God has reignited in me the desire, energy, and testimonies to do so.

I encourage all who are seeking healing to remember who they are in Christ: you are the HEALED - and satan is trying to put sickness on you. No matter where you are along the path of healing or dis-ease, there is always a next, higher step. Continuing to speak the Word over yourself and your situation will get you to that next level of illumination. We are changed from glory to glory! If you are in the Word every day, you are always learning and growing! The glory and revelation you will be in today will be greater and deeper than where you were yesterday; that is when you continue to seek His ways and His thoughts.

Don't allow discouragement to overtake you. Whether or not you feel like it, praise His holy name and thank Him for your increasing understanding of the mysteries he has for you. His plan is good!

1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 55:6-12, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Job 22:28, Colossians 1:26-28

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